A gamer is a person who plays interactive games, especially video games, tabletop role-playing games, and skill-based card games, and who plays for usually long periods of time. Some gamers are competitive, meaning that they compete in some games for money. In some countries, such as the UK and Australia, the term "gaming" can refer to legalized gambling, which can take both traditional and digital forms, through online gambling. There are many different gamer communities around the world.
next generation of PlayStation is finally here with the arrival of the
PS5. This generation, it seems like Sony is sticking with the approach
that made the PS4 so successful: sell consoles that can play first-party
games from Sony’s storied franchises, and supplement that lineup with
great third-party titles, too. You should expect to see better graphics
in your games, and the PS5 will also support high refresh rates, which
should make games feel smoother (if you have a display that supports
those refresh rates). Plus, the PS5’s custom SSD promises to offer such a
leap forward in loading speeds that it could change the way games are designed.
We’ve already reviewed the PS5, and it turns out that the console is pretty good.
Its new controller is amazing, games load quickly, and the console has a
more streamlined user interface than the PS4. We felt that it left a
great first impression — even if there aren’t a lot of actual
next-generation games to play just yet.
Microsoft also has a powerful console in the Xbox Series
X, which promises better graphics and faster loading times, and it’s
also selling the somewhat lower-powered Xbox Series S. The company
continues to make Xbox Game Pass,
its Netflix-like game subscription service, one of the best deals in
gaming, and it doesn’t mind whether you play its games on an Xbox or a
PC. And while the PS5 will play most PS4 titles, the new Xbox consoles
boast backwards compatibility with not only Xbox One but also many Xbox
360 titles and some OG Xbox games as well.
We’ll have to wait and see which console proves to be the
better buy in the long run. But if you want to learn more about what
the PS5 offers right now, here’s everything we know.
There are actually two PS5 consoles, but they’re largely the same
Like Microsoft, Sony is actually selling two versions of its upcoming next-generation console. For $499.99, you can buy a PS5 with a 4K Blu-ray drive. But for $100 less, at $399.99, you can buy the Digital Edition PS5 (which also looks noticeably thinner than its more expensive sibling). Unlike Microsoft, the only thing that differentiates those two versions is which console has a disc drive and how much each one costs.
The PS5 is powered by a custom eight-core AMD Zen 2 CPU
and a custom AMD Radeon RDNA 2-based GPU that will provide 10.28
teraflops of raw graphical power. The console also uses variable
frequencies on both the PS5’s CPU and GPU, which could theoretically
push the graphics to run slightly faster than normal when the CPU isn’t
running at peak. Though it sounds like the difference is minimal based
on this technical presentation And that game-changing SSD I mentioned earlier? It has 825GB of storage
and 5.5GB/s of throughput — which could be fast enough to let game
developers build levels without things like elevator rides or winding
corridors that actually mask levels loading in the background. Just look
at how much faster PS5 games loaded than their PS4 versions in our
testing:PS5 load time
you should know, though, that some of that 825GB of
storage space is used up by system data, though, meaning that you
actually have 667.2GB of usage space. And the ever-growing size of games
means that you might fill up that usable space quickly. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War takes up 133GB, for example, which is nearly 20 percent of the console’s available storage.
If you want to expand the PS5’s storage, you won’t be able to at launch,
but at some point in the future, you’ll be able to slot in a
Sony-certified M.2 SSD. We’re not exactly sure when that those SSDs
might become available. Back in March, PS5 lead system architect Mark
Cerny said the SSD certifications will likely happen “a bit past” the console’s launch.
Xbox Series X will also have a custom SSD, one with 1TB of NVMe storage
(of which 802GB is usable) but a lesser throughput of 2.4GB/s. That
could wind up meaning the Xbox Series X has slower loading times than
the PS5 in practice, but it depends on a variety of factors
GTA 6 might not have been announced, but with the success of GTA
Online and previous GTA installments, you know Rockstar already has
something planned for the sixth Grand Theft Auto game.
According to a Kotaku
report, "a new entry in the Grand Theft Auto series," is early in
development as of April 2020. That report also suggested we can expect
to see a smaller launch, with the game expanded through updates in the
manner of an MMO or GTA Online.
The development timing means expecting the game to be a PS5 and Xbox Series X
title is a sure bet, and the release of a remastered GTA 5 for PS5 in
2021 suggests we could be waiting till at least 2022 for GTA 6.
reading for all the tea on the rumors circulating around on the
internet, which we've paired with some particularly enthusiastic
theories from the GamesRadar team. To satiate your appetites, below
you'll find everything we know about GTA 6, from how many playable
characters it might have to pote
next GTA title has been in development since 2012, but production
didn't begin properly until 2015, but even then the team was focusing
more on Red Dead Redemption 2.
It's another Rockstar Worldwide Production.
Set in both Vice City and a new fictional location based on Rio de Janeiro.
Some linear missions take place in Liberty City, but it isn't an open world (think Ludendorff in GTA 5).
Game will balance realism and arcade and it won't be as realistic as Red Dead Redemption 2.
One playable protagonist: male, not female, despite supposed leaks.
Set in 1970s-1980s.
play as an up and coming drug lord-wannabe named "Ricardo". Another key
character called “Kacey” is a part of the narrative. You start off as a
grunt doing runs as a cocaine smuggler from Vice City to the new large
South American area before making connections with big time drug lords
and making your way up. Multiple cities.
There will also be a giant prison which will play a part in the game.
Will feature a 'chapter' system similar to a Tarantino flick or Red Dead Redemption 2.
Weather is a heavy focus (hurricanes, floods, etc).
change over the eras, vehicles too. So older, rare classic cars get
more expensive as time progresses etc. Full economy.
Heavily inspired by Netflix's Narcos.
They want to have an incredible 70s/80s soundtrack.
younger Martin Madrazo will make an appearance as will his father who
is a big drug lord at the time. You do some missions for the Madrazo
family involving hits on other gangs.
Drug empire building is a mechanic similar to Vice City Stories but bigger. Think the GTA Online system and dial it up to 10.
You can only have weapons on your person. No arsenal in your back pocket, like Red Dead Redemption 2.
personal vehicle will be like your horse saddle in Red Dead Redemption
2. All your equipment is stored in the trunk. You also store your body
armour in the car. If you wear it, it appears, no longer just an
invisible thing.
There will be tons of subtitle reading.
Think Max Payne 3 amounts, very immersive, like watching an episode of
Narcos. Whenever you're in South America, don't expect to hear much
English. Vice City however is a mix of everything, but mostly English.
bit of narrative info, it will discuss topics such as HIV and the
immigration crisis of the time. A fictional version of Fidel Castro etc.
Next-gen only, not PS4 or Xbox One [aka PS5 and Xbox Project Scarlett].
GTA 6 is now their primary focus, alongside another title (which might be Bully 2).
Game is still in Pre-Alpha so names, locations, details could and probably will change.
No ETA on a release date.
And here's the leaks from Fireden, edited for clarity too:
The game is set in modern-day Liberty City.
The beginning of the game is reminiscent of The Wire.
Police officers are trying to crack down on a gang/drug ring based around a nightclub.
There are four main characters, two police and two gang members.
The plot then twists and goes to upstate New York, where it becomes more crime noir, think Ozark and Breaking Bad.
It will have twice the amount of dialogue as GTA 5 and a really crazy plot twist.
main storyline splits after a while, the criminal side has sort of a
sandbox build-a-crime-empire thing (Fallout 4 meets the Sims), while the
police side is more of a traditional action game with a little twist of
LA Noire
Listen below for an in-depth discussion about GTA 6 from the @GTAVoclock
team, who accurately predicted large elements of GTA 5 back in 2012.
The conversation from the 42m 42s mark about a 'deeper' vision for open
worlds is especially relevant in light of Rockstar's recently confirmed
plans for Red Dead Redemption 2.
What has Rockstar said about GTA 6 on the record?
Rockstar North’s former President teased the next series entry back in 2013 in a four-part interview with Develop magazine, which got the online rumour mill started:
don’t know what GTA 6 will be, but we’ve got some ideas,” said Benzies
in the interview. “We’ve got about 45 years’ worth of ideas we want to
do. We’ll pick the right ones. It comes from the idea first. Where it is
going to be set is the first question. That then defines the missions;
you’re doing different things in LA than in New York or Miami. The map
and story get worked up together, and the story is a basic flow of how
it works out so you can layer the mission in."
Of course, Benzies didn’t give much away about what form GTA 6 will take and recently left Rockstar North in fairly acrimonious circumstances.
However, it’s unlikely that Rockstar will rip up the GTA series’
tried-and-tested development process, where building a world comes first
with characters and structures layered on top. GTA 5 was created by
1000+ developers based across studios worldwide, so it’d be a brave move
to change the template. In fact, it’s probable the location is already
set: we spoke to a software provider at E3 2015, speaking under
discretion, who suggested work on GTA 6 was already well underway.
How the Fermi Problem might help us make more educated predictions
nobody outside Rockstar North and their cast-iron NDAs knows anything
about GTA6, but using historical precedents and an estimation technique
called the Fermi problem, we can establish a more credible outline.
What’s the Fermi problem? The term was recently popularised in the book Superforecasting, prefaced by the question:
How many piano tuners are in Chicago?
Without google searching for the answer, it doesn’t sound like the sort
of thing anyone would know by heart – but your approach to tackling the
question, reveals a lot about the potential accuracy of the prediction.
During the Middle Ages
in western Europe, while the Julian calendar was still in use,
authorities moved New Year's Day, depending upon locale, to one of
several other days, including March 1, March 25, Easter, September 1,
and December 25. Beginning in 1582, the adoptions of the Gregorian calendar has meant that many national or local dates in the Western World and beyond have changed to using one fixed date for New Year's Day, January 1.
Other cultures observe their traditional or religious New Years
Day according to their own customs, sometimes in addition to a
(Gregorian) civil calendar. Chinese New Year, the Islamic New Year, the traditional Japanese New Year and the Jewish New Year are the more well-known examples. India and other countries continue to celebrate New Year on different dates.
Contrary to common belief in the west, the civil New Year of January 1 is not an Orthodox Christian religious holiday. The Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar
makes no provision for the observance of a New Year. January 1 is
itself a religious holiday, but that is because it is the feast of the
circumcision of Christ (seven days after His birth), and a commemoration of saints.
While the liturgical calendar begins September 1, there is also no
particular religious observance attached to the start of the new cycle.
Orthodox nations may, however, make civil celebrations for the New Year.
Those that adhere to the revised Julian calendar
(which synchronizes dates with the Gregorian calendar), including
Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Romania, Syria, and Turkey, observe
both the religious and civil holidays on January 1. In other nations and
locations where Orthodox churches still adhere to the Julian calendar,
including Georgia, Israel, Russia, the Republic of Macedonia, Serbia,
Montenegro, and Ukraine, the civil new year is observed on January 1 of
the civil calendar, while those same religious feasts occur on January
14 Gregorian (which is January 1 Julian), in accord with the liturgical
The Japanese New Year
(ζ£ζ, ShΕgatsu) is currently celebrated on January 1, with the holiday
usually being observed until the January 3, while other sources say that
ShΕgatsu lasts until January 6th. In 1873, five years after the Meiji
Restoration, Japan adopted the Gregorian calendar.
The Chinese New Year, also known as the Lunar New Year, occurs every year on the new moon of the first lunar month, about the beginning of spring (Lichun). The exact date can fall any time between January 21 and February 21 (inclusive) of the Gregorian Calendar. Traditionally, years were marked by one of twelve Earthly Branches, represented by an animal, and one of ten Heavenly Stems, which correspond to the five elements. This combination cycles every 60 years. It is the most important Chinese celebration of the year.
The Korean New Year
is a Seollal or Lunar New Year's Day. Although January 1 is, in fact,
the first day of the year, Seollal, the first day of the lunar calendar,
is more meaningful for Koreans. A celebration of the Lunar New Year is
believed to have started to let in good luck and ward off bad spirits
all throughout the year. With the old year out and a new one in, people
gather at home and sit around with their families and relatives,
catching up on what they have been doing.
The Vietnamese New Year is the TαΊΏt NguyΓͺn ΔΓ‘n
which most times is the same day as the Chinese New Year due to the
Vietnamese using a lunar Calendar similar to the Chinese calendar.
The Tibetian New Year is Losar and falls between January and March.
Babylonian New Year began with the first New Moon after the Northward equinox. Ancient celebrations lasted for eleven days.[4]
Nava Varsha is celebrated in India in various regions from March-April.
The IranianNew Year, called Nowruz, is the day containing the exact moment of the Northward equinox, which usually occurs on March 20 or 21, marking the start of the spring season. The Zoroastrian New Year coincides with the Iranian New Year of Nowruz and is celebrated by the Parsis in India and by Zoroastrians and Persians across the world. In the BahΓ‘ΚΌΓ calendar, the new year occurs on the vernal equinox on March 20 or 21 and is called Naw-RΓΊz.
The Iranian tradition was also passed on to Central Asian countries,
including Kazakhs, Uzbeks, and Uighurs, and there is known as Nauryz. It is usually celebrated on March 22.
The Balinese New Year, based on the Saka Calendar (Balinese-Javanese Calendar), is called Nyepi,
and it falls on Bali's Lunar New Year (around March). It is a day of
silence, fasting, and meditation: observed from 6 AM until 6 AM the next
morning, Nyepi is a day reserved for self-reflection and as such,
anything that might interfere with that purpose is restricted. Although
Nyepi is a primarily Hindu holiday, non-Hindu residents of Bali observe
the day of silence as well, out of respect for their fellow citizens.
Even tourists are not exempt; although free to do as they wish inside
their hotels, no one is allowed onto the beaches or streets, and the
only airport in Bali remains closed for the entire day. The only
exceptions granted are for emergency vehicles carrying those with
life-threatening conditions and women about to give birth. The Javanese people also celebrate their Satu Suro on this day.
Ugadi (Telugu: ΰ°ΰ°ాΰ°¦ి, Kannada: ΰ²―ುΰ²ಾದಿ); the Telugu and Kannada New Year, generally falls in the months of March or April. The people of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Karnatπππππππππππππππππππππππππππ
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ππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππ New Year is the time or day at which a new calendar year begins an...